canton coin

Canton Coin: A Canton-Network-native payment application

author by Canton July 1, 2024

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To further facilitate the adoption and utility of the Global Synchronizer for the Canton Network, the organizations running the decentralized service voted to launch a native utility token called Canton Coin.

This digital token will be used from day one to pay for the use of the Global Synchronizer and can be minted by those who provide utility to the network.

Canton Coin incentivizes application builders, users, and infrastructure providers to use the Global Synchronizer, rewarding cross-application connections to unlock the value of synchronized finance.




Accessibility and connectivity across subnets of the Canton Network will be supported by an infrastructure called the “Global Synchronizer”, decentrally run by a group of “Super Validators”. As part of the launch of the Global Synchronizer, the Super Validators will also launch a payment application called Canton Coin to facilitate the transfer of value, provide incentives, and serve as payment for infrastructure costs. Just as the Canton Network overcomes several of the key limitations holding back other networks from widespread enterprise adoption, Canton Coin is specifically designed to be compatible with an ecosystem used by regulated financial enterprises. This paper presents Canton Coin, its mechanics, and its role in incentivizing all stakeholders of the Canton Network to build a thriving ecosystem.