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Canton Network Whitepapers

Read these to understand the vision for Canton — the only public blockchain with privacy

Canton Network Whitepapers

Read these to understand the vision for Canton — the only public blockchain with privacy

Polyglot Canton Whitepaper

Towards an open language ecosystem and EVM compatibility with privacy on Canton Network

Canton Coin: A Responsible Approach to Digital Tokens

To enhance interoperability on the Canton Network, Digital Asset has created the technology for an optional decentralized synchronizer for the Canton Network that includes a native utility token to pay synchronizer traffic fees and that can be minted by participants that provide infrastructure or applications for the synchronizer.

Canton Coin: A Canton-Network-native payment application

Canton Coin incentivizes application builders, users, and infrastructure providers to use the Global Synchronizer, rewarding cross-application connections to unlock the value of synchronized finance.

Canton Network Whitepaper

The paper outlines how the Canton Network addresses the constraints of current blockchain networks to empower financial institutions and enterprises to enter the next phase of adoption and value.

The Canton blockchain protocol

The Canton protocol is a blockchain protocol for linking Daml applications across participants and organizations.

Want to get started on the Canton Network?

Please fill out the form to speak to a community expert about how to:

  • Connect a validator and start using assets and applications
  • Tokenize assets on Canton
  • Connect your wallet or custody services
  • Create and launch new applications
  • Join the Global Synchronizer Foundation