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Unlocking collateral mobility through tokenization: Gilts, Eurobonds and Gold

Euroclear harnessing Canton Network for 24x7 mobility


Unlocking collateral mobility through tokenization: Gilts, Eurobonds and Gold

Euroclear harnessing Canton Network for 24x7 mobility

Euroclear, The World Gold Council, and global law firm Clifford Chance were among a broad group of pilot participants- which included investors, banks, CCPs, custodians, and a central securities depository. The aim was to demonstrate how tokenized assets on a blockchain can enhance collateral mobility, improve liquidity, and increase transactional efficiency. 

Over 500 transactions were executed, involving 27 market participants across 6 complex workflows. The pilot showcased enhanced collateral mobility, improved liquidity, and greater transactional efficiency, and demonstrated how real-world assets (RWAs) could be tokenized and used as collateral in real-time transactions.

This pilot builds on the successful Canton Network Pilot completed in December 2023, which established the foundation for composable applications across a global economic network.

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Collateralizing Gilt, Eurobonds and Gold on the Canton Network

The tokenized Gilts, Eurobonds and Gold could be posted in real time and moved seamlessly and efficiently to satisfy margin obligations, post as collateral, or be lent out for additional revenue. With atomic settlement, all parties benefit from enhanced collateral mobility, optimization and liquidity.

27      Organizations
6         Registry apps
5         Margin apps
14        Participant nodes
500+  Transactions

Collateralizing Gilt, Eurobonds and Gold on the Canton Network

The tokenized Gilts, Eurobonds and Gold could be posted in real time and moved seamlessly and efficiently to satisfy margin obligations, post as collateral, or be lent out for additional revenue. With atomic settlement, all parties benefit from enhanced collateral mobility, optimization and liquidity.


27      Organizations
6         Registry apps
5         Margin apps
14        Participant nodes
500+  Transactions

“We recognise the immense value in industry experimentation to showcase the advantages of DLT for the market. As we strive to deliver even better and faster collateral mobilisation for our clients, digital technologies like DLT will be key enablers for us to achieve this.”

Olivier Grimonpont
Head of Product Management, Market Liquidity, Euroclear

“This signals another step forward in the development and adoption of tokenized assets in collateral management, creating a more mobile operating model across different parties.”

Kelly Mathieson
Chief Business Development Officer at Digital Asset

“By digitising gold, we can overcome the perceived restrictions on moving and storing the physical metal, enabling this high-quality asset to be mobilized and used seamlessly within financial markets.”

Mike Oswin
Global Head of Market Structure and Innovation at the World Gold Council

“With certain approaches and platforms, a digital twin is not a separate asset and so the impact for master agreements, trading relationships, close-out processes, and valuation approaches are minimized, but it is always important to ensure the digital twin is catered for and reflected into existing product and platform documentation. As an operational and record-keeping tool rather than an asset, some of the legal and regulatory issues can be reduced while avoiding extensive surgery or a wholesale reset of established product and asset documentation.”

Paul Landless
Partner, Co-Head of Fintech, Clifford Chance

Global Synchronizer

Read how the Global Synchronizer, a decentralized and transparently governed interoperability service for the Canton Network, is addressing financial industry calls for unifying infrastructure to connect, drive liquidity, and unleash the full potential of tokenized assets.

US Treasury Collateral Network Pilot Report

Read about the US Treasury (UST) Collateral Network Pilot on the Canton Network, leveraging DTCC’s LedgerScan solution to support dynamic tracking and governance of the assets involved in the pilot transactions.

Canton Network Pilot Report

Read about the groundbreaking blockchain pilot, where 45 leading financial institutions, asset managers, and service providers connected on the Canton Network, showcasing the exponential power of interoperable capital markets.